Friday, June 11, 2004

And so it begins

Here it is. My very first post in my blog.

So, you are curious about the title, huh? It is probably the best compliment ever paid to me. My husband is an Air Force officer. His two assignments preceding his current "sentence" to the Pentagon were squadron commander assignments. Shortly after he assumed command of his first squadron, I took baked goodies into the command section. The airmen were quite happy and surprised. One airmen made the comment that "it was like June Cleaver married General Patton." You see, my husband can get a bit fiery when he gets spun-up over the foolish antics of those under his command. When talking just to the First Sergeant or Chief, his speeches tend to be quite colorful. Anyway, the Chief overheard the comment and said that I was too perky and sassy to ever be compared to June Cleaver. He said it was as if Laura Petrie had married General Patton. I was flattered. The Chief remains among my very favorite people.

If you are not a fan of nonsensical, veering-off-course rants, my blog is probably not for you. I am the mother of a 4-year-old and a 3-year-old. I haven't completed a thought on the first try in well over 4 years.

If you are still with me... I will warn you that my life is incredibly boring according to some people in the online world. I love my husband. And, even though his inability to actually get a dish in the dishwasher or dirty clothes in the hamper does drive me crazy, I am not looking to replace him. I have no desire to troll the bars, surgically alter my body or do anything wild and crazy. Well, okay I did get my belly button pierced last summer with a group of friends. But, that little shiny bauble is long gone.

So, that's about it for now. I have dirty dishes and clothes to pick up.


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