Thursday, June 17, 2004

Welcome to the State House. Here, meet the governor.

On our way through Vermont, husband decided to take an unplanned jaunt through Montpelier, just to get a look at the State House.

Since there was a parking place right in front of the building, we decided to walk up and take a look around.

After reading the plaques on the front of the building and on the statue of Ethan Allen, husband pulled on the front door - full expecting it to be locked.

It opened right up.

There was a small desk complete with a guest book and a sign inviting visitors to come right in and take a look around. Wow. No metal detectors. No armed guards at the front door. Not even a local busy-body asking what our business there was.

We walked around, still a bit in shock. There were a few committees holding meetings with the meeting room doors open for all to see.

Now this is how government is supposed to work. Actually allowing the "little people" to be privy to their actions.

We went to the second floor. There was the armed security guard. He was stationed in front of the Governor's office. He was more sheriff Andy Taylor (though he did have a gun) than gung-ho security guard.

He greeted us as we got to the top of the stairs and told us to feel free to walk around.

As we were walking in to view the Representative side of the chamber a very pleasant woman told us there would be a special session convening at 1 pm that we were welcome to attend.

Wow! These Vermont folks are really friendly.

As we circled back around to see the Senate side, the security guard told us that the Governor would be holding an award presentation in a few minutes that we could attend if we liked.

Husband told him that we were not from Vermont. He said it didn't matter. Then he asked where we were from. Husband explained that he was in the Air Force. And then the man-talk started. And I wandered off a little looking at more portraits of past governors until husband caught up with me.

After we viewed the Senate side we walked back around to the governor's office to await the start of the award presentation.

Husband had his back to the security guard viewing a portrait when the guard told me to get his attention. Uh-oh, I thought. What did he do?

The guard waved us over to where he was and then stepped into the governor's office.

Then, out steps the guard with Vermont Governor Jim Douglas and introduces us!

The governor! And he is a Republican!

He thanked us for visiting the state and told us to enjoy our stay and spend lots of money. :)

So, we did out best to oblige.


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