Thursday, August 26, 2004


you are less than 5 feet tall and as graceful as a cow in stiletto heels don't think that you possess the ability to balance on the footboard of your daughter's bed and reach waaaay out to adjust the tab-top curtains.

You don't.

Straddling the footboard on your way down will hurt.

A lot.

As will the laundry basket breaking your fall.

Is it too early for a drink?


Blogger Fermina Daza said...


8/27/2004 10:21 AM  
Blogger The Food Whore said...

I think it goes without saying that it's never too early for a drink.

Um, you weren't actually wearing the stilettos when you did this acrobatic trick, were you?

9/01/2004 10:06 PM  

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