Tuesday, August 03, 2004

A penny... er, a dollar for your thoughts

This whole DC on heightened alert thing is going to be the death of me.

Earlier today fighter jets screamed overhead so low that they rattled the windows in the house. Now, being an Air Force wife this wouldn't normally bother except we don't live on base and the closest base to us that has fighters is about 140 miles away. We are also in the flight path of one of the DC area's airports, but often can't hear the aircraft in the flight path. Logic told me that they were probably just on some training mission, but my paranoia nearly caused me to wet myself.

Then several minutes later, we had a power outage. I was convinced we were doomed!

After listening to the radio in the garage - the only one in the house with batteries - and hearing no alarming news, I decided it would be a good time to go to Costco.

Because when your nerves are on edge you need to do something as calming as going to Costco. And, I think I am now certifiable!

So, things are going smoothly in Costco. Then I hear this blood-curdling scream coming from the next aisle over.

And it continues, now with words thrown in "Mooommmy! I want out!" "I want to walk!"

It continues as the screamer - who appears to be about 4 - his mom and little brother round the corner heading our way. This woman is completely oblivious to this child. Apparently she subscribes to the belief if you ignore the bad behavior it will stop. So, she is just chatting away with her friend who also has two children in tow - one of which is in tears but not hysterics like the hell child.

The screaming continues while the hell child flails back and forth in the stroller he is sharing with his brother. The mother appears to have a hard time keeping the stroller from tipping over, but still has the child on ignore.

I was beginning to wonder if she was wearing ear plugs. But, she was having no problem carrying on the conversation with the friend.

Two more aisles and the screaming still continues.

Then McKinley says "Momma, that boy needs to stop that screaming because he is making my head hurt."

An older couple was walking toward us and the gentleman could not contain his laughter. He walked right up to our cart, patted McKinley on the hand and said. "You are so right little lady. Thank you for saying what the rest of us couldn't."

She just smiled at him as he caught up to his wife.

Another aisle and the screaming continued. Fortunately we had finally put some distance between us and the screamer. We were debating cereal when the couple approached us again. When McKinley saw the man again she told him "He is still making my head hurt."

None of us could contain our laughter at that point.

Then he asked the girls if we had an ice cream man in the neighborhood. McKinley went on to give him a complete description of the color of the truck, the items painted on the side and the tunes it played. She's a talker!

Then he asked me if it would be okay if he gave them each a dollar for the ice cream man. He winked at me and said "You know, a penny for your thoughts. And that was definitely a couple dollars worth."


Blogger Fermina Daza said...

See, in my current state of mind, I would have NO problem walking up to the woman and her screaming offspring and asking her kindly to either shut her kid up or leave the store so the rest of us could avoid a migraine. I've got a size 6 that I wouldn't hesitate to put in the middle of her back and help her out the door either. There are only 2 things in this world that I would subject others to my screaming children for - diapers and formula. I've been known to ditch a completely full cart and leave the store if Princess Trouble starts to pull that stunt.

8/05/2004 1:24 PM  

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