Monday, July 19, 2004

Sittin' on the can

I must be a glutton for punishment.
I took the girls to Wal-Mart yesterday.
The Supercenter.
That place brings out the worst in most people who walk through the doors.
As we were walking in, I laid the threats ("it's hot, this place is crowded and I feel a migraine coming on, so do not make me have to march your little butts out of this store, because no one will be happy") and the bribes ("if you are good I will bake strawberry cupcakes when we get home and we will have a picnic in front of the TV for dinner")  on pretty thick.
I normally don't have to do this, but they have been in rare diva form for the past three days, so I decided to cover my bases.
I missed several needed items when I went grocery shopping on Saturday because in a lapse of judgment, I went to the commissary on a payday weekend.
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
And, there was no way I was getting anywhere near Quantico. Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun the Marine who was a supposed hostage is there going through the repatriation process and that place was swarming with media. The traffic around there is bad enough without throwing all of the media trucks into the mix.
Anyway, it was a fairly uneventful trip until we only had about three aisles to go.
The girls were sitting nicely in the cart - Reagan in the "big girl" seat and McKinley in the back surrounded by all the groceries. We were making our way down an aisle behind a rather slow woman. She stopped to look at something and since there was "oncoming traffic" I stopped behind her and just waited. No biggie.
Until this wench coming from the opposite direction apparently needed her can of green beans and could not wait another few seconds for us to move on.
This bitch grabbed the front end of my cart and swung it out of her way!!!
No "excuse me." No "could I squeeze in there."
Just as I was about to go off on her McKinley says "Hey! It's not polite to touch other people's things."
She wasn't done.
"I was sittin' on the can (referring to a can of crushed pineapples in the cart) and you made me fall off. That was NOT nice."
She emphasized her point with a "hmph" crossed her arms and turned her face away with her nose in the air. Basically snubbing the woman.
She is sooooo my child!
There was really nothing left to say to the wench. She had just been dressed down by a 3-year-old. The look on her face and the redness spreading on her neck and face was quite satisfying.
As was the laughter of the other people in the aisle.
Oh, and we had a picnic in the family room while watching "Toy Story" and enjoying extra dessert.


Blogger The Food Whore said...

I am so very proud.

7/20/2004 5:11 PM  
Blogger Fermina Daza said...

I believe she and Princess Trouble would get along famously!!!

7/20/2004 10:21 PM  

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