Saturday, July 31, 2004

The $15 Grilled Cheese

So, it is Restaurant Week in Washington, DC which means that some of the top restaurants in the city feature a few of their dishes at prices that we common folk can somewhat afford.

It is also the week that all 3 of our babysitters chose to go on vacation.

Husband was adamant about going out to dinner - even if we had to bring the children - because his buddy Darryl's mother is in town and we just had to meet her.

And he was right. Everyone should have the privilege of meeting a woman who managed to hold her life and the lives of her young children together after her husband, a clerk in a New York liquor store, was gunned down in a robbery. She is an amazing, funny, kind, big-hearted woman. She is also a school teacher for the Department of Defense School System in Japan, so the opportunity to meet her may not present itself again. I am so glad we went.

So, husband and Chocolate Love picked a restaurant (The Oceanaire) and husband even called ahead to make sure it would be okay to bring the kids. He was assured they would accommodate them and the chef would be happy to prepare something "kid pleasing."

Our waiter was great. He treated the children like little adults - allowing them to place their own order (as long as it was grilled cheese), listed condiment choices and gave them several choices of dessert. He was sure to ask them if they would like their water glasses refilled whenever he did the adults' glasses.

And, the consternation I felt in the days leading up to this little outing was all for not. My children were fabulous! They used their manners, said "please" and "thank you" and "sir" and "Ma'am." Reagan asked the waiter "May I please have some ketchup," when he forgot to bring it with their meals.

The girls were so charming that several members of the wait staff stopped at our table to chat with them and tell us how well-behaved and adorable they were.

I have never been prouder in my life!!

The food was fabulous. Obviously, the girls had grilled cheese. And fortunately the waiter only wrote down one order for the grilled cheese platter which was actually two sandwiches with shoestring fries and more than enough for them to share. They each had a scoop of ice cream with chocolate sauce and extra cherries for dessert. I had Caesar salad, grilled Salmon and chocolate pave for dessert. I also had a Lemon Drop in honor of the Friend in Washington's birthday.

Then in honor of Darryl and Bridgette's 10th anniversary, the restaurant provided a wonderful Baked Alaska. It was the first time I had ever had Baked Alaska and it was wonderful.

Then we got the check.

Our meals weren't too bad because of the special, though we wouldn't normally spend that much for dinner.

Husband and Darryl had early on placed wagers about the price of the grilled cheese. Darryl was very close with his guess of $12. It was $15. Thank goodness the waiter had the presence of mind to only order one for them to share.

We won't even talk about the cost of the Lemon Drop. I'll just say it is a good thing it was especially strong.


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