Sunday, July 18, 2004

She must be making her way across the country

The cranky ole bitty who has terrorized two of my friends in line apparently made her way to Virginia tonight.
I had just emerged from a nice relaxing bath when husband realized he needed a 3-hole punch to get the presentation ready for the TDY he leaves on tomorrow morning at the butt-crack of dawn.
Way to go, Sir Plans-A-Lot.
Total relaxation minutes - including time in the bath - 17. Yeah, I ought to be good for the next 4 years.
So, off I go, hair still wet, to Wal-Mart - at 9 pm.
I think I have finally found the antidote for my idiot-attracting perfume. I have to be fresh from the bath and they aren't fully lured to me.
Ah, but the poor bastards in the line beside me are one their own.
Granny pushed her way in front a woman with a screaming hell-child informing the lady that since she only had a few things she was going to go ahead of her since she had a full cart and apparently needed to calm her child down.


Blogger Fermina Daza said...

so it' s safe to head back to the commissary for that red pepper now? thank God!

7/19/2004 2:37 PM  
Blogger The Food Whore said...

Oh good grief - she IS on a road trip!

Someone find her motorhome and slash the tires.

7/20/2004 12:24 AM  

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