Monday, July 05, 2004

Things I have learned in the past week

I frequent a military spouse support site. I am not sure what has happened over the past several weeks, but it seems as if the membership has increased exponentially.

This population explosion has brought out some very interesting people - and opinions.

First, apparently the negative behavior of some black people is representative of all black people.

Someone needs to let my friends and neighbors who just happen to be black in on this little secret. They apparently did not get the memo.

Secondly, "those damn Mexicans are only in it for what will benefit them."

I will be sure to let my mother-in-law on this little nugget of wisdom. Though, I think I will wait until we are visiting her next month so I can share it with her sister who will be visiting as well.

From Guadalajara.


Thirdly, if you are really passionate about a topic and it has affected your family personally, it is justifiable to attack the person you are debating with. Even if that is not the way things are done at this site. And, even if you know absolutely nothing about the person.

Ugh. I really don't think I can handle learning anything more.

Oh wait! There is one last thing I learned.

People piss me off!!

A LOT!!!


Blogger Gail said...

Yeah my theory, most people are idiots who think they are intelligent. Very few of us know the truth. Welcome to the club! ;)

7/11/2004 10:58 PM  

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