Thursday, July 01, 2004

One of the greatest benefits afforded us by this wacky military lifestyle is the opportunity to meet new folks pretty regularly.

The husband works in a that funny building. You know, fours sides and an extra.

Just in case you think "Oh, wow. How neat to work in the hub of all military activity." Let me paint you a picture of his work area.

He works in a vault. Yep. A vault.

I have never been in a morgue, but when I picture one, it is quite similar to husband's work area.

Opening the vault door reveals a sea of cubicles. The cubicles, about the size of a bedroom - and not a master bedroom - hold four work areas. So, needless to say, husband gets quite familiar with his co-workers.

For the past few months husband has come home telling stories of their antics in the office. Yes, even military officers act like 12-year-old boys when you get them in a group of, oh... two or more.

His favorite partner-in-crime is Darryl - aka Chocolate Looove.

After months of talking about getting together with Darryl and his wife, we finally had the opportunity last Friday night since the girls were still with their aunt and grandmother.

We went to a little place in Old Town Alexandria called Bistro Europa. Husband and Chocolate Looove both had French Onion Soup and Schnitzel. Surprisingly, their choices did not come with an application for admission to the United Nations... or a white flag.

After about two hours of non-stop laughing - which I am sure was annoying the owner Klaus and his predominantly French and German staff ("stupid Americans having fun at dinner" seemed to be the point they were conveying with the glares and eye rolls) - we decided to stroll through Old Town. There was a light drizzle, but we were honestly having so much fun, we didn't care.

We decided to do it again very soon. Because, it is always a good time to annoy the French and the Germans.


Blogger The Food Whore said...

So... I guess that means you turned down the job offer at the UN?


7/02/2004 10:18 PM  

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